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Home page > This EYE-HEALTH LINKS page
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be more and more dead links on this page over time.
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remove dead links and replace some links with better links.
In the meantime, try 'WEB SEARCH' links provided on this page.
Table of Contents:(links to sections of this page, below)
Note : 'floater' or 'cataract' or 'forum' or 'vitrectomy' or 'floaterectomy' or 'surgery'.
End of Table of Contents.
Where I'm Coming From : I have personally experienced the extreme frustration of vision degradation --- due to a vitreous "floater" persistently in the center of the vision of my right eye, as well as a cataract worsening in the lens of my right eye, causing double-vision in my right eye. (It took about 9 visits to about 6 different opthalmologists, not to mention several optometrists, to finally find out that my double-vision problems were probably due to the cataract in my right eye. And, even then, it was only after I had cataract surgery that it was confirmed that the double-vision was due to the cataract. For many months, I did not know that floaters and cataracts were causing my vision problems. Those months were a nerve-wracking and frustrating time.) It has been said that the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch was motivated by Munch's desperation as he found his vision persistently blocked by floaters. (Try a WEB SEARCH on keywords "munch scream eye floater".) Until one has experienced the persistent blockage of one's vision, every hour of the day, one cannot appreciate how it ages a person, prematurely. As someone has said on one of the floater-forum web sites, "I feel like I am waiting to die." The condition makes one painfully aware of one's mortality, and it makes one aware of how, in one's younger and healthier years, one takes normal eyesight (and many other normal conditions like good knees, good back, etc.) for granted. In doing web searches, to find causes and cures for my eye condition(s), I found that several eye clinics pointed out that high triglycerides and high sugars (like galactose) --- as indicated in blood tests --- have been implicated as a cause of cataract formation. [Other factors, such as excessive exposure of eyes to sunlight, may also contribute to cataract formation.] For several years, my blood tests had shown that I had high triglycerides --- around 250 mg/dl, then around 350 mg/dl. [ mg/dl = milligrams per deciliter ] My family doctor and his nurses never mentioned the dangers of high triglycerides. They just mentioned that my cholesterol was a little high --- and that my good, HDL cholesterol was a little low, and my bad, LDL cholesterol was a little high. But they did not urge a change in diet, nor cholesterol lowering drugs. I am thankful for them not trying to force drugs on me, but I feel too many doctors do not advise their patients strongly enough about the need for a diet change when triglycerides are high. Current practice is to consider 150 mg/dl a HIGH triglycerides reading. But because doctors frequently see patients with readings above 500, even above one thousand, doctors (and nurses) seldom give warning to patients whose triglycerides are in the 200 to 400 range. (By the way, I have found by a years-long personal experience, that those people, with triglyceride levels above 500 mg/dl, are probably on their way to a slow and miserable death. Doctors with patients with extremely high triglyceride levels --- 500%, 1000%, and more beyond healthy levels of tryglycerides (in other words, much more than 500 mg/deciliter) --- must observe a terrible decline in health of these patients. But many of these doctors seem to assign all the miserable symptoms of these patients to causes other than high triglycerides --- which, by the way, are the predominant component of fat cells.) In doing web searches, I found one research article that provided proof that triglycerides are a better predictor of cardiovascular problems (and other problems) than cholesterol. That same research study stated that patient outcomes suggest it would be better to consider 100 mg/dl a high triglyceride reading. (Later I found other articles that echoed these findings.) I have lowered my triglyceride readings from the 380 level to 38 --- simply through a diet change. I eliminated "added sugar" and high-sugar foods (like "cokes" and junky breakfast cereals, and sugar-bread --- i.e. donuts, sweet rolls, cakes, pies, and the like). I also greatly curtailed my ingestion of high-starch foods (like all forms of potatoes --- french fries, potato chips, and baked potatoes). And I continue to reduce my intake of bread, rice, pasta, pizza dough, and the like --- because grain products are even higher in starches than potatoes --- and starches are simply chains of sugar molecules. Please note that when you eat a donut or a sweet roll or a slice of cake, you are eating sugar on top of sugar. As a web page entitled "How to Interpret Your Blood Test Results" points out :
It continually amazes me to hear nutritionists and nurses (who should know better) constantly urge eating "low-fat" foods, whereas most manufactured low-fat foods contain a high amount of added sugar --- to make up for the lack of taste caused by the removal of fats. Those same nutritionists and nurses "rail" against "low-carb" diets --- which are simply diets that are low in sugars and starches --- NOT low in fiber, which is a third component of carbohydrates --- and NOT low in plant nutrients like vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and other "co-factors". All the popular "low-carb" diets recommend eating plenty of HEALTHY carb foods : broccoli, green beans, asparagus, cauliflour, brussel sprouts, beans, peas, carrots, etc. etc. The various "low-carb" diets --- which are essentially minor variations on the Atkins diet --- are low in UNHEALTHY carbs (sugars and starches), NOT low in HEALTHY carb-foods --- which are full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and various co-factor micro-nutrients --- all of which are missing from refined sugars and highly refined grains. Those health professionals never mention how the body is perfectly capable of converting sugars and starches into fats. I was taught that fact in Health and Physical Education classes in junior high school back in the 1950's. Don't they teach that simple fact of human chemistry any more??? In any case, if it seems like this web page on "eyes" starts accumulating a lot of links having to do with triglycerides and sugars, the paragraphs above indicate the reasons why. Also, if it seems like this web page has a lot of links on "floaters" and "cataracts" but not many links on other eye conditions, such as "macular degeneration", the first few paragraphs above indicate why. It is quite probable that many people suffering from "macular degeneration" would find major improvement in their condition if they would minimize the refined sugars and grains in their 'food habit'. |
Eye - FORUMS - sites & pages
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Two images of vitrectomy surgery
--- to remove 'pernicious' floaters.
Eye - FLOATER INFO - sites & pages
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Some forum threads (patient reports) on floaters:
Cloudy lens on the left.
Eye - CATARACT INFO - sites & pages
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Links on NAC (a probable fraud):
Eye - CLINIC info - sites & pages
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Eye - GOVERNMENT INFO sites & pages
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Eye - NUTRIENT INFO - sites & pages
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Eye Health - 'WEB DIRECTORY' pages
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
It seems that 'web directories' are dying out. Google and Yahoo closed theirs down around 2014. Then around 2017, the directory from which the Google and Yahoo web-directories were spawned --- the DMOZ "Open Directory Project" closed down. It seems that it is just not feasible for a team of people to keep up with all the sites that are going dead and the new sites that appear. About a year after the dmoz.org site closed down, it appears that a new web-directory site --- curlie.org --- arose from the ashes of 'dmoz.org'. It remains to be seen how long that web-directory lasts. Following are a few links related to 'web directory' sites.
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Or you can scroll up, to the top of this page. Page history:
Page was created in 2006 Sep.