Home page > This NUTRITION-DATA LINKS page
! NOTE !
Like most 'LINKS' pages on the web, there will, no doubt,
be more and more dead links on this page over time.
It may be years at a time before I return to this page to
remove dead links and replace some links with better links.
In the meantime, try 'WEB SEARCH' links provided on this page.
Eat vegetables ... frequently.
Table of Contents:(links to sections of this page, below)
End of Table of Contents.
This 'food pyramid' is 'BROKEN' because
all the starchy foods are at the base of
the pyramid --- as if they are the
most important foods on which a
healthy diet should be based.
Vegetables, fruits, and protein foods
should be the foundation --- as the
person who marked up this 'classic'
food pyramid was trying to suggest.
That's cookies, candies, and other
junk food at the peak of the pyramid.
Nutrition - DATAbase sites
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Nutrition - DIET PLAN sites
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Nutrition - MAGAZINE/NEWSPAPER Articles
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Nutrition - Data from FOOD PROVIDERS (distributors)
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Nutrition - BLOG sites
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Nutrition - WEB DIRECTORY pages
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
It seems that 'web directories' are dying out. Google and Yahoo closed theirs down around 2014. Then around 2017, the directory from which the Google and Yahoo web-directories were spawned --- the DMOZ "Open Directory Project" closed down. It seems that it is just not feasible for a team of people to keep up with all the sites that are going dead and the new sites that appear. About a year after the site closed down, it appears that a new web-directory site --- --- arose from the ashes of ''. It remains to be seen how long that web-directory lasts. Following are a few links related to 'web directory' sites.
Bottom of this
To return to a previously visited web page location, click on
the Back button of your web browser, a sufficient number of times.
OR, use the History-list option of your web browser.
< Go to Table of Contents, above. >
Or you can scroll up, to the top of this page. Page history:
Page was created in 2006 Jul.