Web sites

Data on grams of protein, fats, carbohydrates (sugars, starches, fiber), vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. --- in various foods.

Eat REAL fruits ... regularly.

Home page > This NUTRITION-DATA LINKS page

! NOTE !
Like most 'LINKS' pages on the web, there will, no doubt,
be more and more dead links on this page over time.
It may be years at a time before I return to this page to
remove dead links and replace some links with better links.
In the meantime, try 'WEB SEARCH' links provided on this page.

Eat vegetables ... frequently.

Table of Contents:

(links to sections of this page, below)

You can use an option like 'Find in This Page ...' of your web browser to find keywords on this page, such as 'vegetable' or 'nut' or 'seed' or 'protein' or 'fat' or 'carb' or 'sugar' or 'starch' or 'fiber'.

End of Table of Contents.

Start of Nutrition Links.

This 'food pyramid' is 'BROKEN' because
all the starchy foods are at the base of
the pyramid --- as if they are the
most important foods on which a
healthy diet should be based.

Vegetables, fruits, and protein foods
should be the foundation --- as the
person who marked up this 'classic'
food pyramid was trying to suggest.

That's cookies, candies, and other
junk food at the peak of the pyramid.

Nutrition - DATAbase sites

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >
  • USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference - at
    (Much of the data at the site below comes from this U.S. Department of Agriculture site. It has a search option much like the one at . Select a food category, then enter a food name and click the search button. NAL = National Agricultural Library)

  • Nutrition Facts data - at
    (This site has the standard data of 'Nutrition Facts' food labels, for 1000's of foods. The foods are in categories, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes[peas and beans], meats, nuts-and-seeds, etc. Much more data, such as

    • bar-chart-like images of 'essential proteins' content,
    • data on types of sugars and fats in the foods,
    • moisture content of foods,
    • more precise data than the data on food labels.

    The food 'Search' at the top of each page can be used to view all foods within a category. To do so, simply select that category and click on the 'Search' button without entering a food name.)

  • Find foods by nutrient - at
    (You can use this page to find foods with highest or lowest concentrations of specific nutrients. For example, generate a list of low-carbohydrate foods, or identify foods from a particular category that are high in protein and low in fat.)

  • Nutrition Facts - at
    (Here is another site that has copious 'Nutrition Facts' data, by food category. But it is no more precise than food labels --- and this site lacks the additional data provided at You can use this as a 'backup' data source.)

  • Finland Food Composition Database - at

  • Australia Nutrient Table Database (NUTTAB) - at science/ monitoringnutrients/ nutrientables/ nuttab/ Pages/ default.aspx

  • A Danish list of Links to Food Composition Data around the World - at

  • United Nations International Directory of Food Composition Databases - at
    (FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization)

Nutrition - DIET PLAN sites

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

Nutrition - MAGAZINE/NEWSPAPER Articles

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >
  • We've Got to Stop Eating Like This - at fortune_archive/ 2003/ 02/ 03/ 336436/ index.htm
    ("What will it take to transform our diet on a national scale? ... The problem is huge and depressingly simple: ... the USDA estimates that the average American consumes roughly 2,750 calories per day--a full Big Mac beyond its recommendation of 2,200 calories for most children, teenage girls, active women, and sedentary men." Read more.)

  • It is hard to decide which articles to put here. There are so many crappy articles on diet --- and there are so many newspaper / magazine / other web sites that are loaded with annoying popups and other nonsense that make their pages load terribly SLOOOOWWWWWWLLLLYYYYYY...

Nutrition - Data from FOOD PROVIDERS   (distributors)

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

Nutrition - BLOG sites

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

Nutrition - WEB DIRECTORY pages

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

It seems that 'web directories' are dying out. Google and Yahoo closed theirs down around 2014. Then around 2017, the directory from which the Google and Yahoo web-directories were spawned --- the DMOZ "Open Directory Project" closed down.

It seems that it is just not feasible for a team of people to keep up with all the sites that are going dead and the new sites that appear.

About a year after the site closed down, it appears that a new web-directory site --- --- arose from the ashes of ''. It remains to be seen how long that web-directory lasts.

Following are a few links related to 'web directory' sites.

Bottom of this
--- a HEALTH-category LINKS-page of this site.

To return to a previously visited web page location, click on the Back button of your web browser, a sufficient number of times. OR, use the History-list option of your web browser.
OR ...

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

Or you can scroll up, to the top of this page.

Page history:

Page was created in 2006 Jul.

Page was changed 2010 Aug 09.

Page was changed 2015 Jun 25.
(Removed dead links to the old Google and Yahoo 'web-directories'. Added 'WEB SEARCH' links. Added some links. Removed some dead links.)

Page was changed 2018 Sep 17.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation.)

Page was changed 2021 Feb 12.
(Specified the width of images in proportion to the width of the browser window. Some minor re-formatting.)