VMware: choosing the right Linux version for Fedora

Q I bought Fedora and now I want to install Fedora on VMware (in a Windows XP host). In VMware there are a few alternatives for Red Hat, such as 'Red Hat Linux' and 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2, 3 & 4'. I guess I can rule out the plain 'Red Hat Linux' alternative, but for this version of Fedora, which one of the others should I choose? It could be important since VMware's own VMware Tools greatly enhances the flexibility of guest operating systems' screen, mouse and pointer. Still, this facility hasn't yet worked for me on any other Linux distro that I've tried.

A Almost every variant of Linux that I have tried to install on VMware and I have tried a lot - has installed successfully, even if the specific distribution is not listed. Most of the time I use 'Other Linux 2.6.x.kernel' but for Fedora I choose the plain 'Red Hat Linux' option. This causes no problem with installing VMware Tools as described on page 142 of the VMware Workstation manual (which you can download from www.vmware.com/support/pubs/ws_pubs.html). The steps are:

You may need GCC installed for the final stage, if it needs to compile a module for your kernel. This is necessary if the installer does not have a pre-built module for your kernel, as is the case with Fedora.

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