How to install via RPM

Q I have been using your excellent Mandrake 10.1 distro with the Gnome 2.6 desktop. This has been installed on a standalone computer, rather than a dual installation. I am considering buying the next edition from Mandrake, as it has worked very well, but I've been rather puzzled by the software installation procedure. I have downloaded various items into the Mozilla download manager but installing these files has proved so far proved impossible. I've used Start > System Packaging > Install Software > RPM Drake and also Media Manager > Configure Media. RPM Drake lists all the software that was on the distro CDs and not installed. No matter where I tell it to search or whatever combination of file names or listing the answer is always 'Search results (none)'. I have also tried other ways, like putting the software programs on a zip drive and installing /mnt/removable, but to no avail. Do you think there is a problem with the downloads themselves? Is Install Software not working or have I got the whole thing wrong?

A To access the RPM database or install software you have to be the root user. The database is designed so that non-root users can't easily establish what is installed, or modify the RPM database in any way. You can install software via the command line using rpm -Uvh <filename> to install a package you downloaded, which will allow you to te if it is an issue with the Mandrake package management front end, or something within the RPM tools.</answer>

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