/lib/ld-linux.so.2 libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 g_free g_path_get_dirname g_dir_close g_dir_read_name g_path_get_basename g_object_get_data g_option_context_free g_scanner_input_file __gmon_start__ _Jv_RegisterClasses g_strcmp0 g_strdup gdk_flush g_strconcat g_malloc g_option_context_add_main_entries g_get_language_names g_ascii_dtostr g_strdup_printf g_scanner_new g_object_set_data g_scanner_peek_next_token g_option_context_parse g_snprintf g_option_context_add_group g_thread_create_full g_scanner_get_next_token g_get_prgname g_threads_got_initialized g_str_has_prefix g_source_remove g_signal_connect_data g_realloc g_type_check_instance_cast g_scanner_destroy g_malloc0 g_option_context_new g_get_home_dir g_get_current_time g_error_free gdk_threads_leave g_scanner_unexp_token g_strjoin g_dir_open g_file_test gdk_threads_enter g_option_context_set_help_enabled gtk_button_set_image gtk_range_get_value gtk_button_box_get_type gtk_init gtk_box_pack_start gtk_toggle_button_get_type gtk_scrolled_window_new gtk_button_box_set_layout gtk_editable_set_editable gtk_widget_set_sensitive gtk_paned_get_position gtk_window_set_icon_from_file gtk_button_set_image_position gtk_entry_get_type gtk_window_new gtk_box_set_homogeneous gtk_button_new_with_label gtk_box_get_type gtk_table_attach gtk_main gtk_hscale_new_with_range gtk_notebook_append_page gtk_container_get_type gtk_window_resize gtk_entry_set_text gtk_button_get_type gtk_scrolled_window_get_type gtk_label_get_type gtk_notebook_new gtk_table_get_type gtk_entry_new gtk_file_chooser_get_type gtk_combo_box_append_text gtk_table_set_row_spacings gtk_label_set_text gtk_misc_set_alignment gtk_notebook_get_type gtk_spin_button_set_value gtk_spin_button_new_with_range gtk_dialog_get_content_area gtk_table_new gtk_window_set_title gtk_check_button_new_with_label gtk_container_add gtk_button_set_label gtk_vbox_new gtk_combo_box_get_active gtk_label_new gtk_scale_get_type gtk_table_set_col_spacings gtk_vpaned_new gtk_object_get_type gtk_get_option_group gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons gtk_file_chooser_get_filename gtk_toggle_button_get_active gtk_widget_get_type gtk_message_dialog_new gtk_widget_show_all gtk_toggle_button_set_mode gtk_combo_box_set_active gtk_signal_connect_full gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name gtk_paned_get_type gtk_window_get_type gtk_range_get_type gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation gtk_range_set_value gtk_hbutton_box_new gtk_editable_get_type gtk_combo_box_new_text gtk_scale_set_draw_value gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int gtk_entry_get_text gtk_paned_add1 gtk_paned_add2 gtk_image_new_from_file gtk_toggle_button_set_active gtk_paned_set_position gtk_dialog_run gtk_misc_get_type gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport gtk_window_get_size gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new gtk_button_new_from_stock gtk_widget_show gtk_spin_button_get_value gtk_widget_set_size_request gtk_spin_button_get_type gtk_toggle_button_new_with_label gtk_dialog_get_type gtk_check_button_get_type gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text gtk_main_quit gtk_hbox_new gtk_container_set_border_width gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder gtk_scrolled_window_set_placement gtk_combo_box_get_type gtk_message_dialog_get_type gtk_widget_destroy libatk-1.0.so.0 _fini libpangoft2-1.0.so.0 g_thread_functions_for_glib_use libfreetype.so.6 libfontconfig.so.1 libgthread-2.0.so.0 g_thread_init librt.so.1 clock_gettime libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 g_printerr g_fprintf g_usleep g_set_prgname gdk_threads_init libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0 libpangocairo-1.0.so.0 libgio-2.0.so.0 g_file_read_link g_timeout_add g_strlcpy libpango-1.0.so.0 libcairo.so.2 libgobject-2.0.so.0 libgmodule-2.0.so.0 libglib-2.0.so.0 g_ascii_strtoull g_spawn_command_line_async g_thread_exit g_option_context_get_help g_printf g_scanner_cur_line g_thread_join g_rand_new_with_seed g_rand_int_range g_rand_free libSDL-1.2.so.0 SDL_LockYUVOverlay SDL_VideoDriverName SDL_GetError SDL_WM_SetCaption SDL_EnableKeyRepeat SDL_FreeYUVOverlay SDL_PollEvent SDL_Init SDL_Delay SDL_SetVideoMode SDL_Quit SDL_GetVideoInfo SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay SDL_CreateYUVOverlay SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay libportaudio.so.2 Pa_IsStreamStopped Pa_StopStream Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice Pa_GetErrorText Pa_Terminate Pa_CloseStream Pa_Initialize Pa_GetDeviceCount Pa_AbortStream Pa_IsStreamActive Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice Pa_GetDeviceInfo Pa_StartStream Pa_GetHostApiInfo Pa_OpenStream libasound.so.2 libm.so.6 sincosf lroundf libpthread.so.0 __errno_location lseek libpng12.so.0 png_init_io png_write_image png_destroy_write_struct png_create_info_struct png_write_info png_set_IHDR png_create_write_struct png_write_end png_set_text libtwolame.so.0 twolame_init_params twolame_set_mode twolame_encode_buffer_float32_interleaved twolame_set_num_channels twolame_encode_flush twolame_init twolame_set_in_samplerate twolame_set_bitrate twolame_close twolame_set_out_samplerate libavcodec.so.52 avcodec_register_all avcodec_alloc_context avcodec_find_encoder avcodec_encode_video avcodec_close avcodec_flush_buffers avcodec_alloc_frame avcodec_init avcodec_open libc.so.6 _IO_stdin_used fflush __printf_chk setlocale fopen ftruncate __strdup perror dcgettext ftell __stack_chk_fail select bind_textdomain_codeset mmap execlp fgets strlen memset fseek _setjmp __fprintf_chk ctime putenv memcpy fclose getenv sscanf stderr ioctl munmap __snprintf_chk fwrite __memcpy_chk __sprintf_chk memmove bindtextdomain strcmp strerror __libc_start_main _edata __bss_start GLIBC_2.0 GLIBC_2.1 GLIBC_2.2 PNG12_0 GLIBC_2.4 GLIBC_2.3.4 PTRh [^_] S49SX l[^_] |[^_] L[^_] l[^_] _4;_X \[^_] |[^_] ,[^_] ,[^_] gfff) gfff +C 9 [^_] ,[^_] [^_] \[^_] 9s333? ?Audio /usr/share Sound toggled Input Device: Dev. Default Sample Rate: 1 - mono 2 - stereo Channels: SampleRate:%d Channels:%d Audio Format: ---- Audio Effects ---- Echo effect_info Fuzz Reverb WahWah Ducky /pixmaps/guvcview/audio_controls.png WARNING: focus array size=%d exceeds 20 A%s - %s %s: %s REASON 00dc 0%1dwb idx1 %s-%s %s %s avilib - No Error avilib - Not an AVI file avilib - Unkown Error AVI_close_output_file: # of header bytes too small error - only %d audio tracks supported avilib - AVI file size limit reached avilib - Error opening AVI file avilib - Error reading from AVI file avilib - Error writing to AVI file avilib - Error writing index (file may still be useable) avilib - Error closing AVI file avilib - Operation (read/write) not permitted avilib - Out of memory (malloc failed) avilib - AVI file has no header list (corrupted?) avilib - AVI file has no MOVI list (corrupted?) avilib - AVI file has no video data avilib - operation needs an index $tIGUVCVideo filt_info profile_save Profile dialog (%d) Save File gtk-save gtk-cancel Load File gtk-open File num:%d Cap Video toggled: %d Cap. Video Cap Video failed Stop Video disabling sound. enabling sound. using device id:%d using audio API n:%d Cap. Image Later Program Restart --device= restart start new spawn failed: %s pan_info tilt_info reset_info control_info %s change to %d failed hardware value is %d hardware get failed changed %s to %d Terminated. video capture stall on exit(%d) - timeout Changes will only take effect after guvcview restart. Restart now? launch new process or restart?. Pan/Tilt Error: Pan = %d; Tilt = %d; reset = %d ERROR: couldn't set focus to %d Shuting Down Thread waiting for thread to finish closed v4l2 strutures free controls free controls - vidState cleaned allocations - 100%% Closing portaudio ... Error Restarting: guvcview -d %s ERROR restarting guvcview Cshift sound by %d ms Thread create failed: %s!! using blocking method write error on avi out stop= %llu start=%llu Sound Close error close avi error opening portaudio shift sound forward by %d samples shift sound forward by %d bytes AVI file size limit reached - restarted capture on new file VIDEO: %d frames in %f ms = %f fps WARNING:sound capture stall (still streaming(%d) writing %d bytes of audio data matroska close returned a error Error: Couldn't create Video. /dev/video0 .guvcviewrc capture.avi Image.jpg default.gpfl GUVCVIdeo mjpg guvcview 1.1.1 /usr/share/locale UTF-8 Fatal:g_thread NOT supported starting portaudio... GUVCViewer Controls delete_event %s: setting format to %i Init video returned %i trying minimum setup ... Please reconnect your camera. Image Controls Capture: Control Profiles: gtk-quit Stop Auto /pixmaps/guvcview/movie.png /pixmaps/guvcview/camera.png clicked /pixmaps/guvcview/save.png /pixmaps/guvcview/close.png Exit: OK language catalog=> dir:%s type:%s lang:%s cat:%s.mo Please make sure the camera is connected and that the linux-UVC driver is installed. Guvcview error: Unable to open device IMPOSSIBLE: format has no supported mode !? ERROR: Can't set video stream. No supported format found Exiting... Make sure you have a UVC compliant camera and that you have the linux UVC driver installed. Guvcview error: Can't set MJPG or YUV stream for guvcview ERROR: Minimum Setup Failed. Exiting... Guvcview error: Unable to start with minimum setup Please try restarting your system. Guvcview error: Unable to allocate Buffers /pixmaps/guvcview/image_controls.png /pixmaps/guvcview/guvcview.png /pixmaps/guvcview/controls_folder.png Please report it to http://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=8179 Guvcview error: Unable to create Video Thread vid:%04x pid:%04x driver:%s TODO: implement button controls uvcvideo Controls: control[%d]: 0x%x %s, %d:%d:%d, default %d Exposure: Invert (Pan) Left Right Down Reset value-changed Auto Focus (continuous) set Focus GBGB... | RGRG... GRGR... | BGBG... BGBG... | GRGR... RGRG... | GBGB... raw pixel order: bayer mode set Manual Mode Auto Mode Shutter Priority Mode Aperture Priority Mode ffmpeg codec not found could not open codec cues at %llu SeekHead at %llu closed matroska file matroska guvcview Haali Matroska Writer b0 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz #3R &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Error: configuring libtwolame encoder failed. _(knN _help-all Display all help options help-gtk DISPLAY GTK+ help Display help Prints version verbose Displays debug information VIDEO_DEVICE control_only config Configuration file FILENAME hwd_acel [1 | 0] FORMAT Frame size, default: 640x480 WIDTHxHEIGHT image Image File name cap_time TIME npics Number of Pictures to capture NUMPIC vid_time show_fps profile Load Profile at start - local options option parsing failed: %s /dev /.guvcviewrc- yuyv stack_size=%d vid_sleep=%i # video resolution resolution='%ix%i' windowsize='%ix%i' #vertical pane size vpane=%i spinbehave=%i mode='%s' fps='%d/%d' fps_display=%i auto_focus=%i bpp=%i hwaccel=%i grabmethod=%i avi_format=%i vid_mux=%i avi_max_len=%li avi_inc=%d sound=%i snd_api=%i snd_device=%i snd_samprate=%i snd_numchan=%i snd_numsec=%i snd_format=%i snd_bitrate=%i Pan_Step=%i Tilt_Step=%i frame_flags=%i # Image capture Full Path image_path='%s/%s' image_inc=%d # Video capture Full Path avi_path='%s/%s' # control profiles Full Path profile_path='%s/%s' write %s OK resolution %ix%i windowsize mode %i/%i image_path avi_path profile_path stack_size vid_sleep vpane spinbehave bad value for fps fps_display auto_focus hwaccel grabmethod avi_format vid_mux avi_max_len avi_inc sound snd_api snd_device snd_samprate snd_numchan snd_numsec snd_format snd_bitrate Pan_Step Tilt_Step frame_flags image_inc Strings must be quoted video_device: %s vid_sleep: %i resolution: %i x %i windowsize: %i x %i vert pane: %i spin behavior: %i mode: %s fps: %i/%i Display Fps: %i bpp: %i hwaccel: %i grabmethod: %i avi_format: %i sound: %i sound Device: %i sound samp rate: %i sound Channels: %i Sound Block Size: %i seconds Sound Format: %i Sound bit Rate: %i Kbps Pan Step: %i degrees Tilt Step: %i degrees Video Filter Flags: %i image inc: %d profile(default):%s/%s Video Device to use [default: /dev/video0] Don't stream video (controls only) Hardware accelaration (enable(1) | disable(0)) Pixel format(mjpg|jpeg|yuyv|yvyu|uyvy|yyuv|yu12|yv12|gbrg|grbg|bggr|rggb) Image capture interval in seconds Video File name (capture from start) Video capture time (in seconds) Show FPS value (enable(1) | disable (0)) %s not a valid video device name Error in size usage: -s[--size] WIDTHxHEIGHT hmm.. dont like that!! trying this height capturing images every %i seconds capturing video: %s , from start # guvcview configuration file for %s # Thread stack size: default 128 pages of 64k = 8388608 bytes # video loop sleep time in ms: 0,1,2,3,... # increased sleep time -> less cpu load, more droped frames # control window size: default %ix%i #spin button behavior: 0-non editable 1-editable # mode video format 'yuvy' 'yvyu' 'uyvy' 'yyuv' 'yu12' 'yv12' 'gbrg' 'grbg' 'bggr' 'rggb' 'jpeg' 'mjpg' 'mjpg'(default) # frames per sec. - hardware supported - default( %i ) #Display Fps counter: 1- Yes 0- No #auto focus (continuous): 1- Yes 0- No # bytes per pixel: default (0 - current) # hardware accelaration: 0 1 (default - 1) # video grab method: 0 -read 1 -mmap (default - 1) # video compression format: 0-MJPG 1-YUY2/UYVY 2-DIB (BMP 24) 3-MPEG1 4-FLV1 5-MPEG2 6-MS MPEG4 V3(DIV3) 7-MPEG4 (DIV5) # video muxer: 0-avi 1-matroska # avi file max size (MAX: %d bytes) # Auto Video naming (ex: filename-n.avi) # sound 0 - disable 1 - enable # sound API: 0- Portaudio 1- Pulseaudio # snd_device - sound device id as listed by portaudio (pulse uses default device) # snd_samprate - sound sample rate # snd_numchan - sound number of channels 0- dev def 1 - mono 2 -stereo #snd_numsec - video audio blocks size in sec: 1,2,3,.. # more seconds = more granularity, more memory allocation but less disc I/O # Sound Format (PCM=1 (0x0001) MP2=80 (0x0050) # Sound bit Rate used by mpeg audio default=160 Kbps #other values: 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 160 192 224 384 #Pan Step in degrees, Default=2 #Tilt Step in degrees, Default=2 # video filters: 0 -none 1- flip 2- upturn 4- negate 8- mono (add the ones you want) # Auto Image naming (filename-n.ext) Could not write file %s Please check file permissions abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 Could not open %s for read, will try to create it unexpected string value (%s) for %s unexpected integer value (%lu) for %s unexpected float value (%f) for %s unexpected char value (%c) for %s string values must be quoted - skiping 1.2.37 Title Software Description File generated by guvcview ERROR: Could not open file %s for write could not allocate memmory for jpg file $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz #3R &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz control[%i]:0x%x:%i=%i control[%i]:0x%x:%i=%d wrong control index: %d #guvcview control profile version=%s # control name + #control[num]:id:type=val # 1-BOOLEAN CONTROLS # %s + control[%d]:0x%x:%d=%d # 2-MENU CONTROLS # 3-INTEGER CONTROLS wrong control id(0x%x:0x%x) or type(%i:%i) for %s Could not open profile data file: %s. WARNING:sound capture stall (still streaming(%d)) Droped %i bytes of audio data An error occured while closing the portaudio stream An error occured while starting portaudio Aborting audio stream Stoping audio stream Closing audio stream... Error number: %d Error message: %s ?SOUND DISABLE: Pa_CountDevices returned 0x%x --------------------------------------- device #%d Name = %s Host API = %s Def. low input latency = %8.3f Def. low output latency = %8.3f Def. high input latency = %8.3f Def. high output latency = %8.3f Def. sample rate = %8.2f ---------------------------------------------- [ Default Input [ Default %s Input Default Output Default %s Output Max inputs = %d , Max outputs = %d %*[^.].%3c %[^.] %s.jpg %s.bmp %s.png %s.raw Image format not supported %[^.].%3c filename copy size error:(%i != %lu) dirname copy size error:(%i != %lu) setting video toggle to FALSE info ns %d/n hmm FW error,not seq DCT ?? $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz #3R &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz '-46 !&.37< "%/28;=#$019:>? VIDIOC_S_EXT_CTRLS - Pan/Tilt error VIDIOC_S_CTRL - set focus error VIDIOC_G_CTRL - get focus error VIDIOC_S_CTRL - Unable to set control VIDIOC_G_CTRL - Unable to get control Failed to query control id=%d: %s /sys/class/video4linux VIDIOC_QUERYCAP error couldn't query device %s %s - device %d UVC Camera (%04x:%04x) idVendor idProduct couldn't open idVendor: %s couldn't open idProduct: %s opening '/sys/class/video4linux' failed: %s ERROR opening V4L interface for %s reading link '/sys/class/video4linux/%s/device' failed: %s Adding control for %s UVCIOC_CTRL_ADD - Error mapping control for %s UVCIOC_CTRL_MAP - Error %c%c%c%c %u/%u, fmtind:%i fsizeind: %i { pixelformat = '%c%c%c%c', description = '%s' } { discrete: width = %u, height = %u } Time interval between frame: {min { %u/%u } .. max { %u/%u } }, {min { %u/%u } .. max { %u/%u } / stepsize { %u/%u } }, VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMEINTERVALS - Error enumerating frame intervals Unable to enumerate frame sizes { continuous: min { width = %u, height = %u } .. max { width = %u, height = %u } } will not enumerate frame intervals. { stepwise: min { width = %u, height = %u } .. max { width = %u, height = %u } / stepsize { width = %u, height = %u } } fsize.type not supported: %d (Discrete: %d Continuous: %d Stepwise: %d) VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMESIZES - Error enumerating frame sizes { ?GSPCA? : width = %u, height = %u } assert failed: listVidCap not Null Unable to enumerate frame sizes. VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT - Error enumerating frame formats { not supported - request format(%i) support at http://guvcview.berlios.de } VIDIOC_G_PARM - Unable to get timeperframe VIDIOC_STREAMON - Unable to start capture VIDIOC_STREAMOFF - Unable to stop capture VIDIOC_QBUF - Unable to queue buffer VIDIOC_QUERYBUF - Unable to query buffer WARNING VIDIOC_QUERYBUF - buffer length is %d Could not grab image (select error) Could not grab image (select timeout) VIDIOC_DQBUF - Unable to dequeue buffer error converting yuv420 to yuyv error converting yvu420 to yuyv error grabbing (v4l2uvc.c) unknown format: %i VIDIOC_QBUF - Unable to requeue buffer unable to detect video devices on your system (%i) Unable to detect devices on your system Error opening device %s: video capture not supported. %s does not support streaming i/o Couldn't detect any supported formats on your device (%i) VIDIOC_S_FORMAT - Unable to set format Requested Format unavailable: get width %d height %d VIDIOC_REQBUFS - Unable to allocate buffers (v4l2uvc.c) should never arrive (1)- exit fatal !! couldn't calloc %lu bytes of memory for frame buffer (v4l2uvc.c) should never arrive (2)- exit fatal !! Unable to set %d fps VIDIOC_S_PARM error Failed to unmap buffer couldn't unmap buff Unable to map buffer Ignoring empty buffer ... jpeg decode errors video device: %s ERROR opening V4L interface %s does not support read i/o Init. %s (location: %s) checking format: %i Format unavailable: %d. Init v4L2 failed !! no codec detected for %s MJPG V_MS/VFW/FOURCC MJPG - compressed YUY2 YUY2 - uncomp YUV DIB RGB - uncomp BMP MPEG V_MPEG1 MPEG video 1 FLV1 FLV1 - flash video 1 WMV1 WMV1 - win. med. video 7 MPG2 V_MPEG2 MPG2 - MPG2 format MP43 V_MPEG4/MS/V3 MS MP4 V3 MP4V V_MPEG4/ISO/ASP MPEG4 - MPEG4 format Couldn't initialize SDL: %s SDL_VIDEO_YUV_HWACCEL SDL_VIDEO_YUV_HWACCEL=1 SDL_VIDEO_YUV_DIRECT SDL_VIDEO_YUV_DIRECT=1 SDL_VIDEO_YUV_HWACCEL=0 SDL_VIDEO_YUV_DIRECT=0 Video driver: %s Error grabbing image GUVCVideo - CRASHED GUVCVideo - %3.2f fps Wait Frame: %d saved image to:%s stoping Video capture Thread terminated... SDL Quit A window manager is available Hardware surfaces are available (%dK video memory) Copy blits between hardware surfaces are accelerated Colorkey blits between hardware surfaces are accelerated Alpha blits between hardware surfaces are accelerated Copy blits from software surfaces to hardware surfaces are accelerated Colorkey blits from software surfaces to hardware surfaces are accelerated Alpha blits from software surfaces to hardware surfaces are accelerated Color fills on hardware surfaces are accelerated sharp=%d focus_sharp=%d foc=%d right=%d left=%d ind=%d flag=%d Error: Couldn't capture Image to %s total frames: %d -- encoded: %d cleaning Thread allocations: 100%% ffffff ?matroska: older mux ref not closed, cleaning now... video_format.c(144):sound capture stall (still streaming(%d) A_PCM/INT/LIT A_MPEG/L2 writing header Guvcview closing sound... sound closed finished cleaning up %s.%s AVI - avi format MATROSKA MKV - Matroska format Video & Files %i/%i fps Frame Rate: Show Def. Res: %i numb. fps:%i Resolution: Camera Output: Image File: File,Auto Image Format: file_butt Video File: Video Codec: properties Video Format: ---- Video Filters ---- Mirror Invert Negative Mono Pieces codec values gtk-ok bit rate: qmax: qmin: max. qdiff: pre dia size: pre me: pre cmp: sub cmp: last predictor count: gop size: qcompress: qblur: me method: mb decision: /pixmaps/guvcview/video_controls.png resolutions of %d format=%d frame rates of %d resolution=%d /pixmaps/guvcview/images_folder.png /pixmaps/guvcview/videos_folder.png '-46 !&.37< "%/28;=#$019:>? '.29 ),47;> (-38: *+56<=? &/1 Pan (relative) acpP Tilt (relative) acpP Pan Reset acpP Tilt Reset acpP Pan/tilt Reset acpP Focus (absolute) acpP LED1 Mode acpP LED1 Frequency acpP Disable video processing acpP Raw bits per pixel acpP acpP acpP acpP acpP acpP acpP MJPGmjpg JPEGjpeg YUYVyuyv YVYUyvyu UYVYuyvy YYUVyyuv YU12yu12 YV12yv12 GBRGgbrg GRBGgrbg BA81bggr RGGBrggb MJPG YUY2 DIB FLV1 WMV1 MJPG