### This is script /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii_TEST ####### ## AN EXAMPLE HEX-CODES FILENAME --- ## FROM Sikes' 'Translator Requirements' document. ############# ## 2F43444D444154412F6C6F6E676669656C6473312F3431343139323044374244373338... ## Translates to /CDMDATA/longfields1/4141920D7BD738CA.model ############# echo "\ 2F43444D444154412F6C6F6E676669656C6473312F343134313932304437424437333843412E6D6F64656C\ " | /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii # " | /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii # " | /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii -d # " | /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii -v # " | /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii -h ####### ## SOME EXAMPLE INPUTS FROM LINE 1 OF ## /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/DSNBUILD.capep.modellist.010215.head ######### ## Field1 and Field2 and LastField from first data line. ######### ######### ## Field1 (not ASCII): ######### ## '92' is NOT an ASCII code. # echo "\ # 41419204271E76C9\ # " | /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii ######### ## Field2 (not ASCII): ######### ## '92' is NOT an ASCII code. # echo "\ # 414192042C1423BD\ # " | /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii ######### ## Field4 (last field): ############## ## Translates to /CDMDATA/longfields1/4141920D7BD738CA.model ############## # echo "\ # 2F43444D444154412F6C6F6E676669656C6473312F343134313932304437424437333843412E6D6F64656C\ # " | /apps/nns_com/fea/scripts/hex2ascii ############################################# ## SOME FILE INPUT EXAMPLES FROM ## /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/DSNBUILD.capep.modellist.010215 (.head) ############################################# ## Field1 and Field2 and LastField from first data line. ######### ############################################# ## Test run on a 'DSNBUILD' file with 6 lines. ############################################# # awk '{print $4}' \ # /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/DSNBUILD.capep.modellist.010215.head_clean | \ # /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/hex2ascii # tail +5 \ # /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/DSNBUILD.capep.modellist.010215.head | \ # awk '{print $4}' | /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/hex2ascii ######################### ## 'wc -l DSNBUILD.capep.modellist.010215' shows 4833 lines. ######################### ## and 'timex' gives ## real 2:26.01 ## user 2:14.89 ## sys 0.92 ## for the following run. ## A second run gave ## real 2:19.05 ## user 2:11.09 ## sys 0.73 ######################### # tail +5 /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/DSNBUILD.capep.modellist.010215 | \ # awk '{print $4}' | timex /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/hex2ascii > \ # /apps/nns_com/fea/demos_hex_ascii/DSNBUILD.capep.modellist.010215_FIELD4_ASCII