Simple Ray Tracer (on a sphere object) FROM: (imaged on 2009 mar 19) # ray.tcl # Author: Gerard Sookahet # Date: 06 Feb 2004 # Description: Simple raytracer with sphere object proc Main {wd ht} { set w .ray catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm withdraw . wm title $w "Raytracing" pack [canvas $w.c -width $wd -height $ht -bg white] $w.c delete all set pix [image create photo] $w.c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image $pix set f1 [frame $w.f1 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2] pack $f1 -fill x button $f1.bcreate -text Render -command "Raytrace $wd $ht $pix" button $ -text Quit -command exit eval pack [winfo children $f1] -side left } proc Raytrace {wd ht pix} { for {set y 0} {$y <= $ht} {incr y} { set line {} for {set x 0} {$x <= $wd} {incr x} { set color [IntersectSphere $x $y $wd $ht] set R [expr {round([lindex $color 0])}] set V [expr {round([lindex $color 1])}] set B [expr {round([lindex $color 2])}] lappend line [format "#%02X%02X%02X" $R $V $B] } # 'put' and update once per line for best speed / visual response $pix put [list $line] -to 0 $y update idletasks } } proc IntersectSphere {x y wd ht} { # Center of the sphere set cx 0.0 set cy 0.0 set cz 0.0 set radius 1.2 # Point of view set from_x 0.0 set from_y 0.0 set from_z 6.0 set tmin 1000000.0; # Closest intersection distance arbitrarly large set to_x [expr {double($x)/double($wd) - $from_x/$wd - 0.5}] set to_y [expr {double($y)/double($ht) - $from_y/$ht - 0.5}] set to_z [expr {4.0 - $from_z}] foreach {to_x to_y to_z} [VectNormalize $to_x $to_y $to_z] {} set vect_x [expr {$cx - $from_x}] set vect_y [expr {$cy - $from_y}] set vect_z [expr {$cz - $from_z}] # Solve the ray and sphere intersection equation set b [DotProduct $to_x $to_y $to_z $vect_x $vect_y $vect_z] set c [DotProduct $vect_x $vect_y $vect_z $vect_x $vect_y $vect_z] set c [expr {$c - $radius*$radius}] set d [expr {$b*$b - $c}] if {$d < 0} then {return [list 0 0 0]}; # No ray intersection set dsqrt [expr {sqrt($d)}] set t1 [expr {$b + $dsqrt}] set t2 [expr {$b - $dsqrt}] if {$t1 < 0} then {return [list 0 0 0]}; # Object is behind the point of view if {$t2 > 0.0} then {set t $t2} else {set t $t1} if {$tmin > $t} then {set tmin $t} if {$tmin >= 1000000.0} then {return [list 0 0 0]} # Return a color since the ray intersect the sphere return [Shading $tmin $from_x $from_y $from_z $to_x $to_y $to_z $cx $cy $cz] } proc Shading {t from_x from_y from_z to_x to_y to_z cx cy cz} { # Normalized light vector <-1,-1,1> set l_x -0.577 set l_y -0.577 set l_z 0.577 # Color of the object set color_x 0 set color_y 0 set color_z 255 # Ambient light color set amb_x 20 set amb_y 20 set amb_z 20 set t_x [expr {$to_x*$t}] set t_y [expr {$to_y*$t}] set t_z [expr {$to_z*$t}] set c_x [expr {$from_x + $t_x - $cx}] set c_y [expr {$from_y + $t_y - $cy}] set c_z [expr {$from_z + $t_z - $cz}] foreach {c_x c_y c_z} [VectNormalize $c_x $c_y $c_z] {} set angle [DotProduct $c_x $c_y $c_z $l_x $l_x $l_z] if {$angle < 0.0} then {set angle 0.0} # Lambert's law light intensity plus an attenuation factor set c_x [expr {$color_x*$angle + $amb_x}] set c_y [expr {$color_y*$angle + $amb_y}] set c_z [expr {$color_z*$angle + $amb_z}] set c_x [expr {$c_x > 255 ? 255 : $c_x}] set c_y [expr {$c_y > 255 ? 255 : $c_y}] set c_z [expr {$c_z > 255 ? 255 : $c_z}] return [list $c_x $c_y $c_z] } proc DotProduct {ax ay az bx by bz} { return [expr {$ax*$bx + $ay*$by + $az*$bz}] } proc VectNormalize {vx vy vz} { set d [expr {sqrt($vx*$vx + $vy*$vy + $vz*$vz)}] return [list [expr {$vx/$d}] [expr {$vy/$d}] [expr {$vz/$d}]] } # Size of the screen Main 200 200