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for this Text-Blocks page
with a Table-Of-Contents (TOC)

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< Go to Table of Contents, below. >
(skip the Intro)

Introduction :

This introduction block could describe the nature of this page.

For example, the text blocks below could be notes on installing Ubuntu Linux --- on several home computers --- with one text block for each computer.

It would be good to mention that there is a Table-Of-Contents (TOC) below, by which one can click on links to quickly go to any of the text blocks.

The nature of the notes could be described here --- what the notes are meant to cover --- and what they are NOT intended to cover. In our example, we could say, for example, that ...

These notes are NOT meant to provide a detailed step-by-step guide to the install process. Rather, these notes mainly describe 'issues' were encountered, and how I resolved them.

Again following our Linux-Install example, we could point out that there will be some 'external' web links and say ...

For some 'issues', there are links to helpful web pages, like computer forum pages. Because external web links frequently go dead, I will, ordinarily, extract the pertinent web page information into this page, to preserve the helpful information.

Again following our Linux-Install example, we could describe limitations to the information presented. For example ...

Since I did not take copious notes at the time of the installs, these notes may be updated as I ...

How the notes are presented :

The notes are grouped according to the several computers on which I have installed Ubuntu. There is a table of contents below with links to the several groups of notes.

Alternatively, for navigation, you can use the 'Find text' option of your web browser to look for keywords on this page. For example, if you are looking for information on mouse issues, you could search for 'mouse'.

The notes within each group (i.e. for each computer) are usually in order chronologically --- that is, according to the issues that I encountered.

Background on the installs :

For several years (2005 to 2009), yada yada yada ...

A decorative image could go here.

Table of Contents:   (of this page)

End of Table of Contents. Start of install note sections.

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

As mentioned above, yada yada yada

yada yada yada --- images can be placed within/among the text lines with an img-src statement :

You can control the position of the picture-surrounded-by-text by use of the 'align=' parameter in the 'img' HTML-tag.

You can include an occasional image in the text --- by itself, centered --- by means of an HTML img-src statement preceded by a p-align-center statement. Example:

Note that some blocks of text that need to use a 'fixed-width' font to maintain column alignment and that need to maintain the same line breaks (to look like the original text) can be presented by using a 'pre' HTML section. Example:

        SubSection     "Display"
            Depth       24
            Modes       "1280x1024@60" "1024x768@60" "800x600@60" "640x480@60"

yada yada yada

yada yada yada

yada yada yada

yada yada yada

yada yada yada

yada yada yada

yada yada yada

yada yada yada

A major lesson to be learned from these Linux (Ubuntu) installs is that, on almost any hardware configuration, you will probably have to yada yada yada

You can include some web links to provide sources of more information. Examples:

Using the Ubuntu forums or Kirkland's Ubuntu Developer Documentation Search (or Google queries like the ones with links above in the install notes sections), you will find copious help to yada yada yada

A decorative image could go here.

Bottom of the TITLE-for-this-TextBlocks-With-TOC-page page.

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< Go to Top of Page, above. >

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Home > Parent menu > This Table page

Page created 2011 Jul 10.

Another decorative image could go here.