Tennis --- UVA at April 2007 ACC Championships

2007 Apr 20, 21, 22

Cary, North Carolina

Click on this image to see a larger one.

Here is a slideshow of large (1024x768) images of the matches that UVA played at the 2007 ACC championships --- Apr 20, 21, 22 --- Miami, then Wake Forest, then North Carolina.

    (If you are on a slow connection, like slow wireless or dial-up, you may have to set the delay-seconds up from 5 seconds to 15 or more. Otherwise, the first picture will be frozen in place and none of the other 1024x768 images will have enough time to replace it.

    Alternatively, here is a slideshow of smaller (320x240) images. This may be better for viewing the slideshow on a slow connection.

    Here is another alternative for viewing the photos on a slow connection --- non-slideshow pages presenting the same photos (both 320x240 and 1024x768) --- for the days Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 22 .)

There are pictures of some players from other ACC teams besides UVA, Miami, Wake Forest, and UNC (U. of North Carolina) --- such as Florida State, Georgia Tech, and Virginia Tech.

The slideshow shows images in the same chronological order that I took the pictures --- first the Apr 20 pictures, then Apr 21, then Apr 22.

I generally tried to take the pictures close to the time that the ball was struck. Occasionally you will see the (blurred) ball in a picture.

These photos were taken with a 6 megapixel Nikon Coolpix L1, which has a 5-to-1 optical zoom capability --- and a CIPA rating of over 150 photos on a pair of AA alkaline batteries.

Considering it is not a professional camera, most of the pictures came out reasonably clearly. A few are blurred to an unsatisfactory extent, but I kept them. I only disposed of those photos where the player was almost out of the frame.

Here is a list of results of the Apr 20 match with Miami --- giving the names of the players.

Here is a list of results of the Apr 21 match with Wake Forest.

Here is a list of results of the Apr 22 match with North Carolina.

Here is a list of the entire 2006-2007 UVA men's tennis team schedule.

Bottom of the UVA at the 2007 ACC Championships (Apr 20,21,22) photos page.

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Page created 2008 May 09 (about a year after the 2007 ACC championships).
Better late than never.

This page was changed slightly on 2008 May 16, to add another way of seeing the photos.