Kudlow, O'Reilly, Hannity
(and other talk show hosts)

Let Guests Finish Their First Sentence

The three methods hosts use
to muffle guests who
do not spout their creed.

(2008 Oct blog post)

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the first sentence of their answer to your question!'

You asked a question.
Let the guest finish 1st sentence of answer.

Let your guests finish a sentence, Kudlow, O'Reilly, and Hannity (and many other obnoxious hosts on Fox News, CNBC, MSNBC, and CNN).

You guys need to take lessons from Larry King on interviewing guests.

When King asks a guest a question, he, at the very least, lets them complete the first sentence of their answer.

Kudlow, O'Reilly, and Hannity --- and Chris Matthews --- you must have gone through the same journalism (or spin) training classes.

You use the same three techniques to muffle guests:

  • you shout over your guests who do not share your opinion, or

  • you tell them you need to go to another question, or

  • you say you need to go to a commercial (then you do not return to the guest or the topic).

It's so obvious, guys. Come on. Let's have at least some appearance of objectivity and open dialog during your interviews and forums.

O'Reilly, you say "the spin stops here".

The spin stops with you alright --- and turns into a tornado of cyclonic proportions.

You try to make many of your guests subscribe to one of your positions --- and if they refuse to, you insist that they must actually agree with you --- as you talk right over their protestations.

You would be hilarious if you were not such a danger to the ideals of free speech and the concept of civilized (non-bullying) behavior of one citizen toward another.

By the way, where are the vast numbers of liberal media outlets to which you 'ultra-conservative' guys continually refer?

On TV and on the internet, the right-wing "freedom to prey" spin-machines are proliferating year by year. They exceed the 'liberal' outlets in bombastic-ness if not in numbers (quite yet).

Those "pro-predation-on-fellow-citizens" spin-machines, working under the guise of a "pro-entrepeneur" and "pro-free-enterprise" stance, are apparently far better funded than any "liberal media" outlets on TV.

There is a list of the news channels on a blog page in the Media section of this blog.

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Kudlow, et. al. - Let Guests Finish At Least One Sentence.

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