Home - Bathrooms - Picture Gallery

tiles, shower plumbing, sink plumbing, lighting, cabinets

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This Bathroom Picture Gallery page


The pictures on this page demonstrate the types of bathroom tiles, plumbing (for shower and counter-top/sink), cabinets, lighting, and other accessories that may be suitable to construct a light-colored, somewhat-modern-style bathroom.

    (Dark-colored bathrooms tend to look smaller than they are.)

Below are pictures of bathroom components --- arranged in application groups such as:

  • floor tiles
  • shower tiles
  • shower plumbing
  • sink plumbing
  • lighting
  • cabinets

You can use the 'Table of Contents' below to go directly to pictures in these category-groups.

OR you can simply scroll down this page to spot pictures of interest.

Some of these categories may overlap --- for example, some pictures of tiles may include pictures of shower or counter-top plumbing. Generally, each picture is placed in only one category.

In addition to the 'locally stored' pictures, there are 'WEB SEARCH' options below, by which you can search for more pictures and information on the web.


(links to sections, below, of this page)

END of Table of Contents.

Start of pictures.

How to view images on this page :

You can scroll down the page to view images.

These images are scaled in proportion to the width of the web browser window.

If you want to view the image at its 'native' size, you can right-click on the image. Then, in the resulting pop-up menu, you can choose an option like 'View image'.

Then, if you want to save the image to your local storage, you can right-click on that image and choose an option like 'Save Image As...'.

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

NOTE: Light floor,
darker shower tiles.


Following are some links by which to do web searches for more pictures and information on Bathroom FLOOR TILES.

The keywords in these searches include manufacturer names and model names of tiles. After trying a search, you can change to other keywords to do further searches.

NOTE: shower seat,

NOTE: shower seat,


Following are some links by which to do web searches for more pictures and information on Bathroom SHOWER TILES.

The keywords in these searches include manufacturer names or names of retail outlets. After trying a search, you can change to other keywords to do further searches.

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >


Following are some links by which to do web searches for more pictures and information on Bathroom SHOWER HEADS and FAUCETS.

The keywords in these searches include manufacturer names or names of retail outlets or component parts.

After trying a search, you can change to other keywords to do further searches.

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >


Following are some links by which to do web searches for more pictures and information on Bathroom SINK FAUCETS.

The keywords in these searches may include manufacturer names or names of retail outlets or faucet finishes (brushed nickel, brass, etc.).

After trying a search, you can change to other keywords to do further searches.

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >


Following are some links by which to do web searches for more pictures and information on Bathroom LIGHTING.

The keywords in these searches may include manufacturer names or names of retail outlets or lighting finishes, such as brushed nickel.

After trying a search, you can change to other keywords to do further searches.

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >


Following are some links by which to do web searches for more pictures and information on Bathroom TOILETS.

The keywords in these searches may include manufacturer names or names of retail outlets or toilet model names.

After trying a search, you can change to other keywords to do further searches.

END of the groups of 'bathroom components' images.

Here is a SLIDESHOW (fit to viewport) of images in the groups above.

Alternatively, here is a SLIDESHOW (no fit to viewport) of images in the groups above.

External web LINKS :

(for more info and pictures on bathrooms)

Here are some links for ...

TILES makers :

TILES vendors :

COUNTER-TOP vendors / makers :
(stone sources, stone cutters)

PLUMBING makers :

PLUMBING vendors :

LIGHTING vendors :

TOILET makers :

Bottom of this
HOME - Bathroom Pictures page.

To return to a previously visited web page, click on the Back button of your web browser, a sufficient number of times.

OR, use the History-list option of your browser.

OR ...

< Go to Table of Contents, above. >

< Go to Top of Page, above. >

Page history:

Page was created 2009 Oct 12.

Page was changed 2011 Jun 06.

Page was changed 2019 Mar 14.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation. Fixed some dead links to locally-stored pictures.)

Page was changed 2021 Sep 23.
(Changed from small 'thumbnail' images in table-rows to much larger images shown down the page.)

Page was changed 2022 Aug 24.
(Changed many links to open in a separate window or tab --- hence this page remains available.
Removed or fixed some dead links.
Added some 'SLOW to load' notes.)