Religion Videos

that provide various views on
religious (& life) issues

(with some 'external' links to
info on religions & various
modern-day 'prophets')

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There are some pretty outrageous quotes coming from the mouths of various 'religion-representatives' --- quotes that demonstrate the kinds of 'beliefs' that they want to impose on all others in the world.

For example, some 'self-proclaimed prophets' claim to have regular conversations with their God --- some even claim that they have touched their God's hair.

Those conversations often involve some belief or action that the 'prophet' wants to impose on everyone --- even people outside of the prophet's 'flock'.

This would all be pretty harmless, if these people were willing to 'live and let live'.

But ... NO. They want to impose their 'faith' on others who are not persuaded of the validity of their beliefs.

For example, some people who have just survived a tornado believe that the power of prayer saved them --- even though some of their neighbors (who perhaps went to their same church) were killed by the tornado in spite of very fervent praying.

This is just one of millions of examples that cast doubt on the 'power of prayer'.

Another example:
Some religions --- such as 'Christian Science' and some 'home-schooling religions' --- do not seem to have much faith in doctors. They would rather depend on prayer to overcome maladies such as infections due to bacteria or viruses.

If those people want to think that their God will intervene and rid them of those bacteria or viruses (in spite of millions of 'God-fearing', praying people succumbing to bacteria and viruses every year), they have a right to those beliefs.

BUT, they should not try to impose those beliefs on others who believe that there are more effective ways of dealing with bacteria and virues.

In other words, those 'believers' should 'LIVE AND LET LIVE'.

They should stop trying to impose their particular 'religious beliefs' ( magical thinking ) on others.

'Believers' may try to convince others, but should not force their beliefs on others --- by societal-laws or by violence.

    By the way, 'believers' typically call atheists 'non-believers'.

    BUT most 'atheists' believe in 'ethical' guidelines as 'the Golden Rule' --- "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

    Atheists have such ethical beliefs because, if everyone observed them, they provide a pleasant world in which to live.

    Hence most atheists are 'believers' --- in life pathways that are more 'Christian' than the hateful stuff spouted by 'Christian' preachers.

This page is meant to present some videos concerning beliefs about 'ethereal' things such as

  • a 'person-like' 'ethereal being' created the Universe

  • a 'person-like' 'ethereal being' maintains the Universe, for example ...

  • a 'person-like' 'ethereal being' can change life-threatening events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, car accidents, asteroid impacts, nuclear power plant melt-downs, drownings, alligator attacks, etc etc etc

  • a 'person-like' 'ethereal being' can reverse various maladies such as fevers, diabetes, cancer, parasite infections, cholera, dysentery, yellow fever, etc etc etc

  • a 'person-like' 'ethereal being' can provide you with an empty parking space when you pray for one

--- beliefs that should not be imposed on others who do not find beliefs in these 'ideas' to be an important factor in their lives.

The videos ('external links') here are of various kinds --- such as:

  • portions of a comedian's routine
    (a humorous, but serious, presentation of various aspects of religious beliefs --- by people who make their living observing & commenting on the 'human condition')

  • video 'podcasts' by various observers of the 'religious landscape'

  • videos of debates on religious issues

Organization of this web page :

A 'Table of Contents' section below lists various subject categories --- such as 'Comedians' and 'Podcasts' and 'Debates'.

Each of the entries in the Table is a link to a section of this page. And each section is composed of links to videos --- usually on a 'external' web site, such as YouTube.

With each of the videos, there may be 'external' links to

  • info on the persons in the video (often a Wikipedia link)

  • info on an issue raised in the video (perhaps a Wikipedia link)

  • a web search on keywords such as the names or issues that are mentioned in the video

Searching this page :

If you are looking for some particular information, you can use the find-text-in-page function of your web browser.

For example, if you are looking for information on a specific topic such as

'prophet'   or   'prophecy'   or   'prayer'   or   'pray',

enter a character-string such as

'proph'   or   'pray'

in the text search entry field of your web browser.

Enough. Here is the 'Table of Contents'.

Table of Contents:

(links to sections of this page, below)

End of Table of Contents.

Start of Videos-Category Sections.

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For more such videos, here are WEB SEARCHES on keywords:

END of 'COMEDIANS' Videos Section.

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For more such videos, here are WEB SEARCHES on keywords:

END of 'PODCASTS' Videos Section.

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For more such videos, here are WEB SEARCHES on keywords:

END of 'PHYSICIST' Videos Section.

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DEBATE videos

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END of 'DEBATE' Videos Section.

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Other LINKS Section:

Here are a variety of LINKS to more 'belief-related' info.

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Religion Videos page.

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Page history:

Page was created 2021 Mar 15.