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On the SITTING E-cises:

For a full set of pictures and descriptions of the e-cises, see the Egoscue books.

SOME images and descriptions are provided herein, via links in the table below, to give a fairly clear idea of the nature of the e-cises.

These tables include the suggested duration or repetitions of each e-cise.

Once you become familiar and experienced with the exercises that are best for you, the descriptions will probably not be necessary, but the suggested duration/repitions may come in handy, say via printout --- especially if you do not do some of the exercises very often.

To return to this page after displaying a picture or description, use the Back button on your browser.

E-cise name
(and some links
to photos)
Page number in
'Pain Free' book
(and some links
to descriptions)
Sitting FLOOR 95 4 to 6 minutes
Sitting FLOOR TWIST 252 1 minute, each side
Sitting HEEL RAISES 90 3 x 15 reps
Sitting KNEE PILLOW SQUEEZES 94 4 x 10 reps
Sitting SCAPULAR CONTRACTIONS 152 3 x 20 reps

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Page history:

Page was created in 2006.

Page was changed 2012 May 01.
(Small changes.)

Page was changed 2019may28.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation. Specified image and table sizes in percentages.)