An INTROduction to Lists of

NETBOOK Computer Bargains

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Bargain (sub-$300) Laptop (*NETBOOK*) Computers -
SMALLER THAN 15 inch screen :

By being patient, I have been able (several times over a period of about 5 years --- 2009 to 2013) to get a 'netbook' computer for --- not just less than $300, but for less than $200 --- typically $199.99 or $179.99 or $169.99.

I have never found such bargains on-line --- on the internet. It seems that such bargains are only available when 'brick-and-mortar' stores have promotional or clearance sales.

In relation to internet connection, most of the 'netbooks' in these 'computer bargain lists' have a 'wired' as well as a 'wireless' connection option.

This distinguishes 'netbooks' from most 'Chromebooks' --- which typically do not have a 'wired' Ethernet connector.

    In addition, 'netbooks' are usually distinguished from 'Chromebooks' by having more local data storage --- typically 500 GB or more, versus about 32GB or 64GB in Chromebooks.

In most cases, the netbook ads and specifications do not specify the wireless processor model (Atheros, Broadcom, or whatever) --- probably because the wireless processor may vary according to inventory availability or the manufacturing site or engineering 'change orders'.

Typically 'netbooks' do not contain a DVD/CD drive. This distinguishes them from most 'laptop' computers.

    In addition, 'netbooks' are usually distinguished from 'laptops' by having smaller screen sizes --- typically less than 14 inches, versus 15 inches or more in laptops.

Essentially no netbooks come with a mouse. So if you want to use a mouse instead of the touchpad, you usually have to supply a USB mouse.

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This intro material was started in 2014.

Page was created 2019 Feb 13.
(This information was extracted from one huge 'computer bargains page' into this page, which is a link on a 'computer bargains MENU page'.)