(and potentially-lethal crimes)

Collected 'Reference-Info'

The NRA wants these to be allowed in
churches and parks and schools and
playgrounds and bars and restaurants
and grocery stores and discount stores
and stadiums and court buildings and
and Congress buildings and the White House
and so on. Everywhere!
And allowed in the hands of everyone,
including the mentally ill and those
who have repeatedly spouted lethal threats.
George Washington and Ike Eisenhower would be dismayed.

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This Lethal Crimes RefInfo menu

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In urban areas across the United States, the number of daily lethal crimes is growing in seriousness in the 2015-2018 time frame.

For example, in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, the number of drive-by shootings and lethal shootings into dwellings and cars seems to be on the rise.

Many of these shootings remain unsolved. A newpaper article indicated that about 68% of shootings go unsolved ... at least in this urban area on the East Coast, in 2018.

It is getting to the point that there are sections of urban areas that present YOU with a significant probablility of being shot. It is getting so that one has to be very careful to NOT be "in the wrong place at the wrong time".

There WERE times (in the 'good old days') when it seemed like an outdoor music concert on a weekend would be a pleasant experience. Now, it means gambling with your life. It is safer to stay at home and watch music concerts via TV or Internet.

But even that is not safe. In some areas, the number of fatalities from shootings into homes is on the rise.

    In November 2017, I saw an article in a New Zealand newspaper in which they talked about police there wearing 'stab proof' vests. They have so few shootings in New Zealand (and Australia) that police wear vests to protect from stab wounds, not bullet wounds. The U.S. Congress needs to do some information gathering in New Zealand --- instead of wearing blinders and taking money from gun lobbyists. In the meantime, see the following.

A Course of Action:
(to stem the tide of lethal shootings)

It is time that modern digital electronics be employed to help catch those who are perpetrating crimes such as drive-by shootings.

In the 2015-2018 time frame, there are traffic cameras at major intersections of almost every urban area. These cameras are high-resolution cameras that are capable of catching images of license plates.

In fact, some people have probably had the experience of accidentally going through a toll-tunnel (not seeing a toll money receptacle) and finding a letter in the mail about a week later --- with a high-resolution image of their license plate in the letter.

With these camera capabilities in the 2015-2018 time frame, it is time to put these capabilities to work on public streets to stem the incidents of unsolved shootings (and armed robberies, car jackings, burglaries, rapes, purse snatchings, etc.).

I know I would gladly see my tax dollars being spent on adding cameras in high-crime areas (and in 'mobile', randomly-chosen areas), in order to catch the violence-prone members of society who have to be stopped from killing and injuring multiple people.

After all, it is more important to use cameras to reduce lethal crimes than to hand out traffic tickets.

Where to place the cameras:

A major issue in deploying the cameras becomes 'where to place the cameras'.

It will probably not be cost-effective to put cameras on every block of every street in a large urban area. So it becomes a matter of putting cameras in high-crime areas.

    And some cameras could be placed in randomly chosen areas on various days of the week --- much like speed-notification devices are moved to 'complaint areas' in various parts of town to let automobile drivers know when they are exceeding the local speed limit.

Another issue is how frequently should cameras be taking pictures.

    Probably taking movies is too data intensive at this time (2018) --- and it may not result in the highest quality images. So cameras taking images about every second (or every 5 seconds) --- rather than about 25 times per second which is typical for movies --- would probably be sufficient to capture most criminal activities in the camera view.

    This would also allow for taking high-quality images that would reveal license plate numbers and car make-and-model-and-year and facial features and clothing features and weapon features and other identifying information.

I am not proposing putting cameras in people's homes. (I will leave that to Google, Facebook, and others of that ilk of privacy intrusionists.) I am proposing putting cameras on public streets --- like traffic cameras that are being deployed in the 2015-2018 time frame.

A Reason for this Menu Page:
(example maps of crime locations)

A major reason for this page is to provide examples of how data could be assembled to help place cameras in crime-prone areas.

It becomes helpful to create pin-studded maps --- on which the pins indicate where crimes have occurred.

The links below provide lists of information (date, location, type of crime, etc.) --- for a particular metropolitan area --- in this case, a 'Peninsula area' in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, where the cities of Hampton and Newport News are situated (along with Poquoson, Phoebus, and York County).

The lists of crime data are used to place 'pins' on a map of the Peninsula area.

The 'pins' have pop-up labels of information (when clicked) --- and the maps are zoom-able and pan-able.

The crime-prone areas may shift over time, so the lists and maps are grouped by year --- 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, etc. (There are on the order of at least 50 to 100 shootings on the Peninsula in these years --- about 2 shootings per week, sometimes more. That results in a lot of pins on each 'one-year map'.)

Info on Making Crime Maps:

Some information is collected, in a 'Notes on Making Crime Maps' link below, on how the maps can be created --- including information on how the HTML-and-Javascript-and-CSS web-page programming is done to create maps and place pins and popups on maps.

    An image (and 2 links) at the top of the 'Notes on Making Crime Maps' page shows that, in 2016, the Daily Press newspaper showed a map of two months of crimes (Jan, Feb 2016) on the Peninsula. BUT ... it seems that no other such 'multi-pin' maps were published. AND ... such a map does not necessarily show the types of crimes that the reader would like to see emphasized. AND ... the map was created with not-so-easy-to-use software that makes it not-so-easy for most people to make (and modify) maps like these.

These pages are intended (eventually) to provide information and examples on how to gather information to help with reduction of violent crimes. In fact, the readers of these pages are welcome to use any HTML-code or map-making info here to start web-pages and maps of their own.

In fact, the intent of these pages is to, eventually, provide year-by-year maps of serious crime (such as shootings --- including woundings and property damage, as well as murders) --- in the example 'Peninsula' area --- with the crime locations denoted by 'markers' on the yearly maps. Each marker is to to contain a brief description of the crime at the location that is 'pinned'.

The 'Leaflet' set of Javascript utilities --- which are referred to briefly on the 'Notes on Making Crime Maps' page --- will probably be used to generate the yearly maps --- as interactive 'slippy' maps --- using the individual-crime-instances data seen on these 'yearly crime pages'.

The 'Leaflet' software uses OpenStreetMap map 'tiles' to make the 'dynamic' maps. This is 'free and open source' software and image files.

Enough of this 'Introduction'.

Below is a 'Table of Contents' which provides links (by year) to crime data and associated maps.

And there are web-links (at the bottom of the table) on

  • citizen feedback on the crimes in the 'Peninsula' area

  • map-making info.


(links to separate pages on this site)

  • A 'Slippy' Map of HOMICIDE locations, Peninsula, 2018

      This map has markers of locations of about 50 HOMICIDES that were perpetrated in 2018 on 'the Peninsula'. The markers have popup labels of crime information --- on ONE map, to indicate high-homicide-crime areas.

      These homicides were reported/summarized in a 24 February 2019 (Sunday) article (by Peter Dujardin) in the Daily Press newspaper.

      This is a web page of HTML-CSS-JavaScript that can be used as an example of using Leaflet JavaScript code and OpenStreetMap map tiles to make crime maps.

The following pages display 'slippy' (interactive) maps that show lethal and POTENTIALLY-lethal crimes --- such as burglaries, armed robberies, gunshots into houses and cars, etc.

There is one map for each crime. These pages may be changed someday to show all the crimes in a year with markers on a SINGLE 'slippy' map.

These pages will generally show more than 100 lethal and potentially-lethal crimes per year.

  • Lethal Crimes (and potentially-lethal crimes), Peninsula, 2020
    including a date-ordered list and maps

  • Lethal Crimes (and potentially-lethal crimes), Peninsula, 2019
    including a date-ordered list and maps

  • Lethal Crimes (and potentially-lethal crimes), Peninsula, 2018
    including a date-ordered list and maps

  • Lethal Crimes (and potentially-lethal crimes), Peninsula, 2017
    including a date-ordered list and maps

  • Lethal Crimes (and potentially-lethal crimes), Peninsula, 2016
    including a date-ordered list and maps

  • Lethal Crimes (and potentially-lethal crimes), Peninsula, 2015
    including a date-ordered list and maps

  • Lethal Crimes (and potentially-lethal crimes), Peninsula, 2014
    including a date-ordered list and maps

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Page history:

Page was created 2018 May 09.

Page was changed 2018 May 15.
(Added the 2014 Peninsula link.)

Page was changed 2018 May 23.
(Added the CITIZEN FEEDBACK link.)

Page was changed 2018 Oct 20.
(Added css and javascript to try to handle text-size for smartphones, esp. in portrait orientation.)

Page was changed 2019 Feb 19.
(Added some HTML 'meta' data and added a note on using 'Leaflet' to, eventually, make 'slippy maps' of crime locations.)

Page was changed 2020 May 08.
(Added the link to the '2018 Peninsula HOMICIDES' page.)

Page was changed 2021 Oct 20.
(Added HTML 'width' code to make the image at the top of the page change size according to the width of the web browser window. Also added and changed some text.)

Page was changed 2022 Aug 24.
(Changed many links to open in a separate window or tab --- hence this page remains available.)